Want To Leave A Comment?

We love people commenting on our posts.  If you would like to leave a comment this is how:

1.  Scroll down to the end of the post until you find "Post a Comment"

2.  Next click on the down arrows next to "Comment as:" and choose how you wish to comment. 

     If you don't have an Google Account you can post as 'Anonymous'

3.  Type in your comment in the box.  Once you are finished click on the 'Publish' button.

4.  It will ask you to prove you are not a robot so click on the empty box and a tick will come up.

5.  You will be asked to select photos that match the answer of the question.
     Sometimes it asks you to do this twice.

6.  Once you have clicked the matching pictures, click on the button that says 'Verify'.

7.  Your comment will be sent to the blog for moderation and will be published soon.

8.  When it is published it will show up at the bottom of the post.  It will look like this:


  1. You are doing a great job :) Greetings from Istanbul, Turkey :)

  2. Thank you for dropping by and leaving a comment. We haven't heard of Turkey before. Could your students tell us about their country? We hope to hear from you soon. Kind regards Room 10

  3. Thanks for sharing your ideas with other teachers


Thank you for your comment. We look forward to reading and responding to it. Kind regards, Room 10.