The success criteria revolved around incorporating the principles from the Treaty of Waitangi with the Rangikura STAR values.
Treaty of Waitangi:
- Partnership
- Participation
- Protection
- Supporting Each Other
- Tell the Truth
- Achieving Our Goals
- Respect (self, others, environment)
- Self Responsibility
As you can see in the picture, the children are really looking deeply into where they can find connections to the principles from the Treaty of Waitangi and the school STAR values.
Along the way the children are also extending their vocabulary and collaboration skills with others. We hope to have it finished by the end of next week. You are most welcome to come and visit us in Room 10 to see what we decided on. We love having visitors!
Room 10 would love to hear what you think, so please feel free to leave a comment below this posting and we will respond to you.
Thank you.
Room 10