Friday, 5 February 2016

Greetings From Room 10...


  1. Room Ten
    Thank you for leaving a class page in Auroa, Taranaki, we were very excited to receive it and we are looking forward to following your class page this year.
    Mr Webb and Room Three, Auroa Primary School, Taranaki.

    1. Great to connect online. Please say hi to Mrs Berry for me. Here is a link in response to the question Paige, Ashley and Aroha posted this week:

  2. Hi were from New Zealand this is Paige,Ashley and Aroha
    we would like to know where you are from?
    we never new those greetings
    Bye from Auroa school in Taranaki room 3

    1. Talofa my name is Faith I was born in Samoa and I was raised in Wellington. Samoa is located in the Pacific Ocean. Samoa is really hot so during the day they usually sit in their shelter to keep cool.

    2. Malo my name is Ben and my culture is Samoa and I was born in New Zealand but my mum and dad was born in Samoa. Samoa is hot and sometimes cold.

    3. Malo ni my name is Kisayah and my culture is Tokelau , a fact
      about tokelau is that people don't use fishing rods instead they use a long stick with a knife attached to it .

    4. Malo lelei and hello my name is Turua and I'm Tokelaun. My country is called Tokelau {To-ke-lau} it is a bit of small islands in the pacific ocean. It is a very hot place and mostly doesn't much over there. But I live in Porirua and my school is called Rangikura {Ra-ngi-ku-ra} and I am in Room 10. Even though I live in New Zealand I still learn about my culture.

    5. Kei ora my name is Javahn my culture is maori and I was born in Hamilton my mum was born in Taumarunui and my dad was born in Wellington. in New Zealand it's very hot but sometime cold

    6. Hello my Name is Va'aitino I was bone in n.z I go to a school. my school name is Rangikura. every Friday we all go to the hall to do the haka.

    7. Kei ora my name is Kapree and my culture is maori. Something you might not know that the maori people were the first in New Zealand before the Europeans/English people. Also maori people hunt blue berry beads and lots of other animals for the night of Matariki by celebrating the 7 sisters of Matariki (but you only see them on the night of Matariki and if you go to google and write in Matariki next go to images and you can see how cool thay are. I was born in New Zealand in lower hutt hospital. Maori is my fav. culture also respect your culture by speacking the language.


Thank you for your comment. We look forward to reading and responding to it. Kind regards, Room 10.