Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Memphis & Javahn Share Their Math Strategies

Memphis and Javahn will share over two videos how they are using their mathematical knowledge for manu tukutuku (kite making).


  1. Wow! Awesome Javahn and Memphis. What a fantastic learning task you are involved in! It is not easy finding thirds. You explained your thinking so well. I look forward to seeing your completed manu aute!

    1. Thanks for your comment even if I am not in the group my friends will be really happy. It is not easy finding thirds. I made a kite as well. I was working with my mate but he has gone to auckland. But i don't know how long he might be away for.

    2. Thank you for your comment I like communicating with other people. You're right it’s not easy finding thirds and we haved finish making our awesome manu tukutuku. It was really hard because there was a lot of weaving and cutting and it was tiring but it was worth it.


Thank you for your comment. We look forward to reading and responding to it. Kind regards, Room 10.